Terms of Use

Welcome to sss-tiktok.app! These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of this website and our services. Please read these Terms carefully. By accessing or using sss-tiktok.app, you agree to be bound by these Terms and our Privacy Policy.

General Rules

You may use our services only if you can form a binding contract with sss-tiktok.app and in compliance with these Terms and all applicable laws and regulations.

You must be at least 16 years old to use sss-tiktok.app. If you're under 16, you may only use our service with supervision of a parent or guardian who agrees to these Terms.

sss-tiktok.app may not be available in all countries. We may change, suspend, or limit our services at any time without notice.

Copyright and Content

sss-tiktok.app respects copyrights and complies with copyright laws and regulations.

You are responsible for the content you use with sss-tiktok.app (the links you paste on sss-tiktok.app).

sss-tiktok.app helps you download content you paste for your own legitimate, personal interests.

We only display content originally posted on websites or social media. You are responsible for ensuring you have the legal right to download and use the content.

You may only use videos downloaded through sss-tiktok.app for personal, non-commercial, and free purposes.

sss-tiktok.app cannot check if every piece of content is legal. We will ban users who violate copyright laws or misuse our service.

sss-tiktok.app does not backup or archive any user content for any reason.

We encourage you to report any suspected misuse, infringement, or non-compliance for proper handling.

Your Use of sss-tiktok.app

We give you permission to temporarily download one copy of the content on sss-tiktok.app for your own personal, non-commercial viewing only.

You may not alter, modify, distribute, or duplicate the content you download.

You may not use the content for any commercial purpose or public display.

You may not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices from the downloaded content.

You may not transfer the content to another person or 'mirror' the content on any other server.

sss-tiktok.app grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to use our service. We may terminate this license at any time. We are not responsible for third-party content.

No Warranties

sss-tiktok.app and its content are provided 'as is' without any warranty. We do not guarantee that our service will meet your requirements or be uninterrupted or error-free.

Effective: September 10, 2024